Have A Little Swag

Three years ago, The Oxford Dictionary added “swag” in its dictionary. Swag, derived from swagger, and used in slang to denote ‘bold self-assurance in style or manner’, or ‘an air of great self-confidence or superiority’.

Every human can relate… At some point in your life, you want more; You want to change jobs; You want to go on that wild adventure; You want to date; You want to marry; You want success, but you’re scared to take the next step. Fear sets in. Fear controls your head. Fear wins. Fear has defeated me time and time again. I hate it, and yet can’t stop it from creeping into my mind.

Ralph Waldo Emerson is credited for saying “You are what you think you are”. No words ring so true for me. I have practiced positive self-talk for many years. In addition, I incorporate a visualizing technique for whatever success looks like for me. This can be utilized in nearly any situation. So, if I’m just trying to build confidence to work through a difficult conversation, I will start the day with gratitude, positive internal thoughts, and then literally visualize a successful outcome for the discussion. It surely does not ever go completely how I had envisioned, but it does help prepare me to show up with confidence.

As Heather and I explored expanding Provisions Mercantile into a second location, fear crept in. Every indication was positive for expanding the business. It felt a little aggressive, but it also met the goals that we had put in our business plan. We had positioned ourselves to do this. I knew this would push me to leave my corporate job, meaning both of us would be working together and bringing in one family income from the same source.

Heather and I have always been confident in our decisions, once we both talk them through and get on the same page. Once we both agree on a decision, we move forward. We have been willing to embrace change. We have been willing to “go for it.” I was struggling to let go of the corporate life and I knew the second location would speed that up much faster.

Some of the best advice I have ever received was from my Dad. I typically call him to talk out the major life changes in my life. He has a good listening ear, and usually can’t help but offer sage advice. Typically before I call him, I have played out every scenario in my head, weighed the pro’s and con’s, and visualized success in a number of outcomes. On one such call, he listened to my whining about an opportunity and he simply said, “Whatever you do, Whatever decision you make, you will succeed”.

That statement of confidence helped me tremendously. I think about that advice with nearly every decision I make. It’s encouraging, it’s humbling, it’s powerful, and it’s exactly what we all need to hear from someone that we trust for advice and wisdom. It removes the fear from your mind, clears your mind to make a decision, and allows you to make the best decision in that moment.

I challenge you to give that advice to someone that needs to hear it! Be encouraging, be humble, and be confident… Have a little Swag!

If you get a chance, stop in and say hey at one of our shops. We will likely have you smiling as you leave… And maybe give each other a little encouragement to tackle the day!



We Plod


New Year, New You (Actually… New “Me”)