Running Goals

At the early stages of COVID (May 2020), our son was a 7th grader and bored at home. As a family, we decided to begin running “around the block” a few times per week. This new “forced family fun” was going to keep us exercising, healthy, and create time to be together. We basically worked through a “couch to 5k” plan throughout that memorable Summer.

Last summer (July 2022), I found myself on a guy’s trip in Hoover, Alabama. Every time that I go on a vacation, I have this desire to exercise and have this ridiculous expectation that I can compete like I’m an olympian athlete.

This trip to Hoover proved to be humbling. As I pressured a “very fit” buddy of mine to join me on a jog one morning, little did I know, this would be the day that I would embark on a new fitness goal. I’m stubborn, It takes hitting new “lows” to reach for new goals!

We took off on that sweltering early morning in July from the rental house and had planned on a 5-mile run. (Reminder, I had never run 5 miles then). After about 2.5 miles, I was out of breath, exhuasted, and realized, at best, I had 2.5 miles back to the house. As I walked the last mile back to the house, my buddy was already back and cooking breakfast for everyone! Let’s just say, it was humbling.

I was ridiculously un-prepared for this run. But, at that humbling moment, I knew that I wanted to be able to keep up with him, and that I desired to prove to myself that I could get to a level of a running fitness level that made me personally proud.

By the fall of 2022, I joined my buddies, Jason & Martin, to run a couple times per week. As we run, we talk. We are a sounding board for each other and encourage each other on our personal, physical, emotional, and spiritual goals. We challenge each other. We hold each other accountable, and we enjoy the process.

On May 14th, 2023, we accomplished the Jump-Off Rock 1/2 Marathon. Before that Sweltering Summer day in July, I would have never thought about running 13.1 miles. Today, I can say that I have run a 1/2 marathon and will likely run another. Most days were not easy, but they’ve challenged me and been a nice outlet to relieve stress and enjoy the process of preparing for meeting my goals.

My challenge to you is simple. You get what you measure. Whatever you want to accomplish, in whichever area of your life, you can. It helps to create a plan, measure your goals, and have people around you that will hold you accountable.

Enjoy the journey. It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon!

Stop by the shops sometime and say hey. I’d love to hear about your next big goal.

- Matt


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