Asheville 2022 holiday gift guide:

By Tiana Kennell - Asheville Citizen Times, Nov 21st, 2022

Full Article Here:

ASHEVILLE - The joy of the holidays comes with the stress of figuring out that perfect gift to wow and amaze the recipient. Questions running through a shopper’s mind may be: What do they need? What do they want? What’s appropriate? Do they already have this item? Will they end up accidentally regifting the present I gave them to me next year? What will express my every thought, feeling and year-round appreciation in one gift?

A solution to finding standout gifts with less hassle is to shop local, according to Heather Wright, owner of Provisions, a modern-day mercantile that sells local, regional and mainstream products at two locations in Asheville.

“There is an element of shopping local and buying local that feels special, that feels unique, that feels elevated and that doesn’t mean expensive,” Wright said.

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Interview with Meagan Harris - Editor of the Scout Guide - Asheville